Financial Resources
Ontario Disability Support Program/Assistance For Children With Severe Disabilities (ODSP/ACSD)
This program is offered by the Ministry of Community and Social Services- for people under 18 it is called ACSD and for 18+ it is ODSP but it is essentially the same program. Expenses covered includes dental, drugs, travelling expenses, etc. There is a maximum monthly amount with deductions if you work and additional funds if you live independently. You will need a SIN and need to start the process 6 MONTHS PRIOR to turning 18yrs. Call 1-866-821-7770 or click here.
Special Services At Home (SSAH)
This program is offered by the Ministry of Community and Social Services and provides funding for parents in the areas of personal development and growth and respite and support. Funding is based on need and NOT income. Note that as of the date of writing this document there is currently a waitlist for funds from this program but future allotment from the ministry is determined by this waitlist so continue to apply. There is a booklet to help you fill out the forms. ALWAYS PHOTOCOPY AND KEEP AND ORIGINAL FORMS to refer to when completing next year’s form. Call 1-866-821-7770 or click here.
Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
The "beneficiary" of the RDSP is the disabled person who will receive the money in the future. There is no annual contribution limit to the RDSP, but there is a lifetime contribution limit of $200,000. The deadline for contributions each year to an RDSP is December 31 of that year. To help you save, the Government pays a matching grant of up to $3500, depending on the amount contributed and your family income. The Government also pays a bond of up to $1000 a year into the RDSPs of low-income and modest-income Canadians. Grants and bonds are paid until the year the beneficiary turns 49. As of January 2011, you are allowed to carry forward unused grant and bond entitlements for a 10-year period preceding the opening of the plan (starting from 2008, the year RDSPs became available). As of July 2011, the proceeds from a deceased parent’s or grandparent’s Registered Retirement Savings Plan, Registered Retirement Income Fund and Registered Pension Plan can be rolled over into the RDSP of a financially dependent child or grandchild with a disability. Earnings accumulate tax-free, until money is taken out of the RDSP. To encourage savings, grants and bonds must remain in the RDSP for at least 10 years. There is no impact on federal benefits, such as the Canada Child Tax Benefit, the Goods and Services Tax Credit, Old Age Security, and Employment Insurance, and little or no impact on provincial social assistance payments. To open an RDSP and apply for the grant and bond, see website for participating financial institutions. Filing income tax for 2 yrs prior to the beneficiary turning 18 yrs is important as to not affect the RDSP.
Disability tax credit
(form 2201)
The disability amount is a non-refundable tax credit used to reduce income tax payable on your income tax and benefit return. All or part of this amount may be transferred to your spouse or common-law partner, or another supporting person. A form 2201 is completed by a qualified professional and is completed only once.
Child Disability Benefit (CDB)
A tax-free benefit for families who care for a child under age 18 with a severe and prolonged impairment in mental or physical functions. The CDB amount is calculated according to base income, which is determined by the number of children for whom the CCTB is received. This is accounted for when the T2201 form is submitted to Revenue Canada.
Grants for Students with Permanent Disabilities
The Federal Government has set up some grants for disabled students. 1-800-622-6232 or click here.
Accessible Parking Permit (APP)
This is issued to individuals and entitles the vehicle in which it is displayed to be parked in a designated accessible parking space. There is no fee for an APP.. To qualify for an APP, the individual must be certified by an APP program recognized health practitioner as having the following condition:
Child Care Fee Subsidy (Simcoe County)
Eligible families within the Cities of Barrie and Orillia. Parents/Guardians must be working, attending school, fulfilling a participation agreement with Ontario Works, or, in need of developmental programming for a child with special needs .Eligibility of fee subsidy occur through interview. Eligibility for Child Care Fee Subsidy is based on both income and eligible hours of care Call the Children and Community Services Department and speak with the Intake Screening Unit. Call 705-722-3132 press 4 or click here.
Subsidized Dental Program
Must go through sick kids-referral from a dentist/orthodontist. Program must start prior to your child being 18 yrs. Will pay 75% of braces or surgery. Work is usually done at sick Kids except can try Dr St Pierre in Barrie who works with Bloorview program. Jeannie Panagiotopoulos, Cleft Lip and Palate/Craniofacial Dental Program, The Hospital for Sick Children, (416) 813-5882 Income Tax Medical expenses-can be claimed on your income tax for ANY 12 month period . It is based on expenses and income. Can include travelling expenses and meals for medical appointments. Will require detailed records for revenue Canada.
Assistant Devices Program (ADP)
This funding is specifically for equipment needed for anyone with a physical disability of six months or longer and covers over 8,000 different pieces of equipment. Applicants go through a medical professional, such as a physical therapist ordering a wheelchair for your child. Call 1-800-268-6021 or click here.
Community Based Funding/Private Options
Catulpa Community Services - Inclusive Recreation
Catulpa offers a variety of services to your child enjoy the recreation options available . As well as providing 1 to 1 support if your child requires it, they also have limited subsidy programs. or call 705-733-3227 (Nancy Snow).
Simcoe Community Services - Respite Funding and Daycare Funding
There are two sources of funding available through Simcoe Community Services.
The first is for Respite Care:
Respite funding can be used to pay for services of a respite provider and can also reimburse fees for registered camps and community recreational programs with registered businesses.
To qualify for respite funding your child must have a professional assessment indicating a Developmental Delay and/or a physical disability. The application can be found at or call 705-726-9082 for more information
To apply, please contact: Developmental Services Ontario
Tel: 1-855-277-2121 Email: [email protected]
You can also go through SCS for specialized daycare for your preschool aged child and this daycare cost can be offset by the subsidy program. For more information about the SunnyPark or Rotodale Nursery School preschool programs and subsidies please call Rotodale Nursery School at 905-775-3039 ext. 221 or visit their website.
Canadian Tire Jump Start
This program is not specifically for disabled kids but can offset the costs of recreation for low income families. 1-877-616-6600 or
YMCA/Health Star
This funding provides relief to low income families wishing to provide recreation choices for their children ages 6-17. For more information call 705-726-9622 x429 or click here.
Kidsport Canada
Yet another organization providing funding for recreation. Call 1-866-641-7767 or visit
Easter Seals Canada
Easter Seals is a huge multi-level organization with funding available on a federal and provincial level. Their programs are widely available to any child with a chronic disability whether it is physical or mental. Federally there is the Access 2 Entertainment card which if you are approved, allows the person who is accompanying a disabled child to entertainment venues, like cinemas and art galleries, to enter without charge. The national organization also has the Disability Travel Card allowing a discount to the disabled traveler and to the adult who is accompanying that child. 416-932-9844
Easter Seals Ontario Incontinence Supplies Grant Program
For children ages of 3-6 who are incontinent helping to offset the costs of diapers. They have their Camp and Recreational Choices Program - this works in two ways, one is an actual camp that they have for disabled children but they will also help fund your own choice of recreation for your child if necessary. They have Direct Financial Assistance for therapy and equipment costs and finally they have a Scholarship program. 1-800-668-6252 or visit
Ontario March of Dimes
Another organization with multiple categories for funding, including an Assistive Devices Program. If you do not qualify for funding through the provincial government or if you do qualify but only a percentage will be covered, you can apply to MOD for more funds. 1-800-263-3463 or visit
Many Service Organizations offer funding for specialized requests as well. The following list includes some of the main organizations in our area:
Lion's Club -
Knights of Columbus -
Army Navy Air Force Club -
Optimist Club -
Kiwanis Club -
Rotary Club -
Royal Canadian Legion -
This program is offered by the Ministry of Community and Social Services- for people under 18 it is called ACSD and for 18+ it is ODSP but it is essentially the same program. Expenses covered includes dental, drugs, travelling expenses, etc. There is a maximum monthly amount with deductions if you work and additional funds if you live independently. You will need a SIN and need to start the process 6 MONTHS PRIOR to turning 18yrs. Call 1-866-821-7770 or click here.
Special Services At Home (SSAH)
This program is offered by the Ministry of Community and Social Services and provides funding for parents in the areas of personal development and growth and respite and support. Funding is based on need and NOT income. Note that as of the date of writing this document there is currently a waitlist for funds from this program but future allotment from the ministry is determined by this waitlist so continue to apply. There is a booklet to help you fill out the forms. ALWAYS PHOTOCOPY AND KEEP AND ORIGINAL FORMS to refer to when completing next year’s form. Call 1-866-821-7770 or click here.
Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
The "beneficiary" of the RDSP is the disabled person who will receive the money in the future. There is no annual contribution limit to the RDSP, but there is a lifetime contribution limit of $200,000. The deadline for contributions each year to an RDSP is December 31 of that year. To help you save, the Government pays a matching grant of up to $3500, depending on the amount contributed and your family income. The Government also pays a bond of up to $1000 a year into the RDSPs of low-income and modest-income Canadians. Grants and bonds are paid until the year the beneficiary turns 49. As of January 2011, you are allowed to carry forward unused grant and bond entitlements for a 10-year period preceding the opening of the plan (starting from 2008, the year RDSPs became available). As of July 2011, the proceeds from a deceased parent’s or grandparent’s Registered Retirement Savings Plan, Registered Retirement Income Fund and Registered Pension Plan can be rolled over into the RDSP of a financially dependent child or grandchild with a disability. Earnings accumulate tax-free, until money is taken out of the RDSP. To encourage savings, grants and bonds must remain in the RDSP for at least 10 years. There is no impact on federal benefits, such as the Canada Child Tax Benefit, the Goods and Services Tax Credit, Old Age Security, and Employment Insurance, and little or no impact on provincial social assistance payments. To open an RDSP and apply for the grant and bond, see website for participating financial institutions. Filing income tax for 2 yrs prior to the beneficiary turning 18 yrs is important as to not affect the RDSP.
Disability tax credit
(form 2201)
The disability amount is a non-refundable tax credit used to reduce income tax payable on your income tax and benefit return. All or part of this amount may be transferred to your spouse or common-law partner, or another supporting person. A form 2201 is completed by a qualified professional and is completed only once.
Child Disability Benefit (CDB)
A tax-free benefit for families who care for a child under age 18 with a severe and prolonged impairment in mental or physical functions. The CDB amount is calculated according to base income, which is determined by the number of children for whom the CCTB is received. This is accounted for when the T2201 form is submitted to Revenue Canada.
Grants for Students with Permanent Disabilities
The Federal Government has set up some grants for disabled students. 1-800-622-6232 or click here.
Accessible Parking Permit (APP)
This is issued to individuals and entitles the vehicle in which it is displayed to be parked in a designated accessible parking space. There is no fee for an APP.. To qualify for an APP, the individual must be certified by an APP program recognized health practitioner as having the following condition:
- Severely limited in the ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological, musculoskeletal or orthopaedic condition.
- Condition(s) or functional impairment that severely limits his or her mobility.
Child Care Fee Subsidy (Simcoe County)
Eligible families within the Cities of Barrie and Orillia. Parents/Guardians must be working, attending school, fulfilling a participation agreement with Ontario Works, or, in need of developmental programming for a child with special needs .Eligibility of fee subsidy occur through interview. Eligibility for Child Care Fee Subsidy is based on both income and eligible hours of care Call the Children and Community Services Department and speak with the Intake Screening Unit. Call 705-722-3132 press 4 or click here.
Subsidized Dental Program
Must go through sick kids-referral from a dentist/orthodontist. Program must start prior to your child being 18 yrs. Will pay 75% of braces or surgery. Work is usually done at sick Kids except can try Dr St Pierre in Barrie who works with Bloorview program. Jeannie Panagiotopoulos, Cleft Lip and Palate/Craniofacial Dental Program, The Hospital for Sick Children, (416) 813-5882 Income Tax Medical expenses-can be claimed on your income tax for ANY 12 month period . It is based on expenses and income. Can include travelling expenses and meals for medical appointments. Will require detailed records for revenue Canada.
Assistant Devices Program (ADP)
This funding is specifically for equipment needed for anyone with a physical disability of six months or longer and covers over 8,000 different pieces of equipment. Applicants go through a medical professional, such as a physical therapist ordering a wheelchair for your child. Call 1-800-268-6021 or click here.
Community Based Funding/Private Options
Catulpa Community Services - Inclusive Recreation
Catulpa offers a variety of services to your child enjoy the recreation options available . As well as providing 1 to 1 support if your child requires it, they also have limited subsidy programs. or call 705-733-3227 (Nancy Snow).
Simcoe Community Services - Respite Funding and Daycare Funding
There are two sources of funding available through Simcoe Community Services.
The first is for Respite Care:
Respite funding can be used to pay for services of a respite provider and can also reimburse fees for registered camps and community recreational programs with registered businesses.
To qualify for respite funding your child must have a professional assessment indicating a Developmental Delay and/or a physical disability. The application can be found at or call 705-726-9082 for more information
To apply, please contact: Developmental Services Ontario
Tel: 1-855-277-2121 Email: [email protected]
You can also go through SCS for specialized daycare for your preschool aged child and this daycare cost can be offset by the subsidy program. For more information about the SunnyPark or Rotodale Nursery School preschool programs and subsidies please call Rotodale Nursery School at 905-775-3039 ext. 221 or visit their website.
Canadian Tire Jump Start
This program is not specifically for disabled kids but can offset the costs of recreation for low income families. 1-877-616-6600 or
YMCA/Health Star
This funding provides relief to low income families wishing to provide recreation choices for their children ages 6-17. For more information call 705-726-9622 x429 or click here.
Kidsport Canada
Yet another organization providing funding for recreation. Call 1-866-641-7767 or visit
Easter Seals Canada
Easter Seals is a huge multi-level organization with funding available on a federal and provincial level. Their programs are widely available to any child with a chronic disability whether it is physical or mental. Federally there is the Access 2 Entertainment card which if you are approved, allows the person who is accompanying a disabled child to entertainment venues, like cinemas and art galleries, to enter without charge. The national organization also has the Disability Travel Card allowing a discount to the disabled traveler and to the adult who is accompanying that child. 416-932-9844
Easter Seals Ontario Incontinence Supplies Grant Program
For children ages of 3-6 who are incontinent helping to offset the costs of diapers. They have their Camp and Recreational Choices Program - this works in two ways, one is an actual camp that they have for disabled children but they will also help fund your own choice of recreation for your child if necessary. They have Direct Financial Assistance for therapy and equipment costs and finally they have a Scholarship program. 1-800-668-6252 or visit
Ontario March of Dimes
Another organization with multiple categories for funding, including an Assistive Devices Program. If you do not qualify for funding through the provincial government or if you do qualify but only a percentage will be covered, you can apply to MOD for more funds. 1-800-263-3463 or visit
Many Service Organizations offer funding for specialized requests as well. The following list includes some of the main organizations in our area:
Lion's Club -
Knights of Columbus -
Army Navy Air Force Club -
Optimist Club -
Kiwanis Club -
Rotary Club -
Royal Canadian Legion -